Thoughts on the McDougall Advanced Study Weekend Unknown Komentar diet, low-carb, native diet, paleolithic diet, presentations Edit For those of you who aren't familiar with him, Dr. John McDougall is a doctor and diet/health advocate who recommends a very low fat, h...
Beans, Lentils, and the Paleo Diet Unknown Komentar paleolithic diet Edit As we continue to explore the foods our ancestors relied on during our evolutionary history, and what foods work best for us today, we come ...
The Neurobiology of the Obesity Epidemic Unknown Komentar evolution, Food reward, hyperphagia, overweight, paleolithic diet Edit I recently read an interesting review paper by Dr. Edmund T. Rolls titled "Taste, olfactory and food texture reward processing in the b...
Are Animal Crackers Paleo? Unknown Komentar April fool's, paleolithic diet Edit Warning -- Satire -- April Fool's Post Every child loves animal crackers, those sweet and crunchy animal-shaped biscuits. But are they ...