The Neurobiology of the Obesity Epidemic Unknown Komentar evolution, Food reward, hyperphagia, overweight, paleolithic diet Edit I recently read an interesting review paper by Dr. Edmund T. Rolls titled "Taste, olfactory and food texture reward processing in the b...
Food Variety, Calorie Intake, and Weight Gain Unknown Komentar Food reward, hyperphagia, overweight Edit Let's kick off this post with a quote from a 2001 review paper ( 1 ): Increased variety in the food supply may contribute to the develop...
Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight Unknown Komentar Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hyperphagia, overweight Edit Last week, I attended a Keystone conference, "Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight", in Banff. Keystone conference...