Insulin Resistance Predicts a Variety of Age-related Diseases Unknown Komentar Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome Edit In the last post, I reviewed a study by Gerald Reaven's group showing that insulin resistance strongly predicts the risk of cardiovascul...
New Study Strengthens the Case that LDL Causes Heart Disease Unknown Komentar Cardiovascular disease Edit There is little remaining doubt in the scientific/medical community that high levels of LDL, so-called "bad cholesterol", cause he...
Is Meat Unhealthy? Part III Unknown Komentar Cardiovascular disease, vegetarian Edit When we consider the health impacts of eating meat, cardiovascular disease is the first thing that comes to mind. Popular diet advocates of...
Corrections to the New Review Paper on Dietary Fat and Cardiovascular Risk Unknown Komentar Cardiovascular disease Edit The meta-analysis by Chowdhury et al. raised quite a furor from certain segments of researchers and the popular media. I find this reaction...
New Review Paper on Dietary Fat and Heart Disease Risk Unknown Komentar Cardiovascular disease, diet Edit A new review paper on dietary fatty acids and heart disease risk was just published by Dr. Rajiv Chowdhury and colleagues in the Annals of I...
Does "Metabolically Healthy Obesity" Exist? Unknown Komentar cancer, Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, disease, metabolic syndrome, overweight Edit Obesity is strongly associated with metabolic alterations and negative health outcomes including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some ...
Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight Unknown Komentar Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hyperphagia, overweight Edit Last week, I attended a Keystone conference, "Neuronal Control of Appetite, Metabolism and Weight", in Banff. Keystone conference...