A New Understanding of an Old "Obesity Gene" Unknown Komentar genetics, overweight Edit As you know if you've been following this blog for a while, obesity risk has a strong genetic component . Genome-wide association studi...
The Genetics of Obesity, Part III Unknown Komentar genetics, overweight Edit Genetics Loads the Gun, Environment Pulls the Trigger Thanks to a WHS reader* for reminding me of the above quote by Dr. Francis Collins, di...
The Genetics of Obesity, Part II Unknown Komentar genetics, overweight Edit Rodents Lead the Way The study of obesity genetics dates back more than half a century. In 1949, researchers at the Jackson Laboratories id...
The Genetics of Obesity, Part I Unknown Komentar genetics, overweight Edit Choosing the Right Parents: the Best Way to Stay Lean? In 1990, Dr. Claude Bouchard and colleagues published a simple but fascinating study ...